Opioids and Cognition Study

If you are a healthy individual between the ages 18 to 25, are willing to provide email information for 6 friends and/or family, and are not claustrophobic or have metal in your body...You may be eligible to participate in a multi-session research study -- lasting approximately 7 days -- on the response to social and cognitive tasks following administration of naltrexone, an opioid blocker, conducted by researchers at SDSU's Department of Psychology.Study participants will receive up to $175 in exchange for participation.

Study overview

Thank you for your interest in our study conducted by researchers at SDSU’s Department of Psychology! This is a multi-session research study – lasting approximately 7 days – on the response to social and cognitive tasks following administration of Naltrexone (50 mg) or a Placebo (sugar pill). Naltrexone is not an opioid; Naltrexone works by temporarily reducing opioid activity in the body. Participants will be compensated $175 at the completion of the 7 day survey responses and 1 MRI scan!

If you are a healthy individual between the ages of 18 and 25, are not claustrophobic, do not have metal in your body, and are willing to provide email information for 6 friends and/or family.
Then you may be eligible to participate!

Participation details

In order to participate, one must complete a series of screening steps in order to determine eligibility. This is for the safety of interested participants and to control for extraneous variables in our study. If eligible, you will be invited to schedule the 7-day multi-session study.

Hope to hear from you soon!

By joining this research study, you are helping to provide information which may help science and improve the lives of others.